Make Kids Fall in Love with Backyard Camping

Starting out with a great backyard camping experience is a great way to introduce camping to you kids. It provides the a way to learn to love the outdoors in the safety of your yard. They are many ways to make backyard camping s great adventure.

Get wild with cooking

When planning your activities you can plan for a cookout. You have the convenience of being home so cook something daring that you would actually not cook in the woods. Then add some traditional cookout items like hot dogs or s’morse. This will teach them to try new and exciting thing with learning knowledge of why so many of us enjoy traditional camping.

Go crazy with bushcraft

Bushcraft is a way to enjoy nature without feeling pressure that there is a “right” or a “wrong” way of doing it. While you may think bushcraft is only for the crazy survivalists it is a great way to teach your kids different ways to survive. Even though you are in your backyard you can give your kids the knowledge that they can do anything when they set their minds to it.
I got some news for you. Kids go crazy over things like making fire with a fire plow or bow drill and creating a tinder bundle. Fire is essential for survival in the wilderness. Show them different ways to make a fire.

Let them stay up

Without the clocks staring at you from every wall it’s easy to just unwind and let nature take its course on your kids. Encourage them to play games, tell stories by the campfire, roast marshmallows and just stay up as late as they want. Stargazing is a great activity and a great way to introduce them to the to the stars and all that is above them. I guarantee they will sleep like logs with the fresh night air. This is a great way to teach them to just let go and unwind. We all need that in our lives.

Silent Time

For most of us, it has become hard to find a quiet moment in our lives. This trend in also becoming a part of our kids life also. Growing up in this kind of electronic, screen filled world they cannot even comprehend the importance of silence. Camping (even in the backyard) can teach the importance of just taking in the beauty of nature and it’s silence. Even though it isn’t truly silent, the sounds of nature can give you a calming effect and that is what we all need in this busy life we live.

Bring the pets

Make sure to include your pets when camping in the backyard. This will allow you kids to feel at home and to understand that they are a part of the family. You can always take them on your outdoor adventures. The outdoors is the perfect spot to have your pet join you. They will be comfortable, you will be comfortable and your kids will love snuggling up with their pet in the tent.

Invite your neighbors or friends

Don’t underestimate the power of community. Invite your kid’s friends over to “camp out” as well. There are some kids today that never get the opportunity to camp and learn new and exciting adventure like those that the great outdoors offers. The more the merrier is the motto when it comes to camping in the backyard.

Give them duties

Camping is a wonderful time to give children duties. Let them use hammers and drive stakes to set up the tent. Have them carry the lantern and supplies to the area you are camping in. This will teach them what items are needed and what use each item has. Your kids will love the responsibility of their camping duties.

Observe the Wildlife

Beside watching the star you can even observe area wildlife. Even in the urbanest areas, there is wildlife. One of my favorite things to do is watch birds when I am camping. Even watching the movements and actions of a simple squirrel through binoculars can be an exciting time. Nature does have a lot to offer.


If you are a creative parent you could create an elaborate scenario where the kids are camping as early settlers who are beginning a new civilization. Nature brings out the creativity in all of us. It allows your children’s minds to run wild with new idea.

If your children show concerns with the outdoors or fears about doing the things you love, take them into the backyard and introduce them to all the fun they could be having. Backyard camping can help eliminate fears of camping out in the dark. No matter what activity you choose for your backyard adventure, it is sure to be a great success. I guarantee your kids will learn so much and talk about this adventure for years to come. Get out there and make great camping memories with your kids.