Visit Ireland

Ireland is an island and the 3rd largest in Europe. Ireland is a heaven for tourists with its breath taking natural scenes and some interesting ancient buildings. To spend holidays in Ireland is the dream of every tourist.

Dublin is the capital of Ireland and is the most visited tourist destination in Ireland. The Dublin Castle is as old as 1204 AD and has some historical significance. The Spire of Dublin is a monument and is 398 ft tall. The top of the monument is lit and it seems like a beacon of light in the dark sky.

Achill Island in Ireland is a stunning island with natural beauty. The cliffs of Croaghaun are the third highest sea cliffs in Europe. The mountain Slievemore in Achill Island is quite interesting as it rises unexpectedly from the relatively plain area. The mountain has an abandoned village.

Stately homes, the grand residential buildings for the royals, were built in Ireland in 17th, 18th and 19th century. Some of them are Castle Ward, Castletown House etc are also famous tourist attractions. Some of these grand places are converted into Five Star Luxury Hotels.
There are three world heritage sites in Ireland. Brú na Bóinne is a combination of tombs, standing stones and henges. Some of them are as old as 32 BC. Skellig Michael aka Great Skellig, is a rare kind of rocky island in the Atlantic Ocean about 9 miles from the cost of Ireland. For six hundred years, the island has been the home of monastic life for Christian monks. The Giant’s Causeway is famous for 40,000 connected unique rocks called the basalt columns. This creation is due to some volcanic activity in ancient times.

There are several places to visit in Ireland but County Kerry of Ireland is the most attractive and scenic area in Ireland, as it has a lot of mountains and lakes. Kerry is one of the most popular tourist destinations. The Ross castle of Kerry was built in 15th century and stands today to be a tourist attraction. The Rings of Kerry is a trail for tourists and is as long as 179km. It sports beautiful scenes. Muckross house is a lavish mansion that was built in 1843 for a wealthy couple. It is a beautiful building.The famous killarney towers hotel is also in Kerry.
The Fenit Harbor in Kerry is a very busy port and it is used for many commercial purposes like fishing and trade.

The harbor is under the Irish State. The Fenit Harbor has been an old and traditional port and was used for landing timber, coal, grain etc. The port was also famous for its fish production but now it is not so and the fishing industry has been closed. It is due to the competition from bigger groups around the Europe and also due to the restrictions from the European Union. Samphire Island in Kerry is quite an attraction. A light house is built on the island. The island also sports the sculpture of Saint Brendan. This was made in 2004.