What is So Good About Adventure Travel?

A lot of people have been embarking on adventure travels, which for them is a great way to explore a new place and then embark on physical activities while exploring the great outdoors. There are also some travelers who do not get it though – Why immerse yourself in tiring action where you’ll only get sweaty and uncomfortable when you are supposed to be indulging in exotic things offered in this new place you are visiting? Isn’t travelling supposed to be comfortable and fun, exploring beaches, historical places, and sampling sumptuous food, not sweating it out and possibly getting injured?

The truth is a majority of people who have tried this emerging trend in travel will tell any skeptic that adding some thrills and adventure into their itinerary have been quite beneficial to them. A lot of the gains these people have experienced with adventure travels can be related to their health. A lot of adventure travelers can attest to the fact that the more adventure you put into your travel plans, the more chances you have in improving your physical health. Many recent scientific studies have proven that people overly obsessed with being dirt-free may actually be susceptible to asthma and allergies. This means that through adding adventure to travel plans means getting dirtier, people are actually getting healthier.

Those who want to try their hands on adventure travels should have a look at these suggested locations close to water and see if these places present the right amount of aquatic adrenalin for them:

Ningaloo Coast, Australia

Activities in the Ningaloo Coast would include a good number of aquatic related ones, but the most popular thing to do for adventure seekers is snorkeling. Located in Western Australia, the area has been declared as a UNESCO World Heritage site in 2011. The breathtaking views of the sea and coast would be a photographer’s delight, but for thrill seeking vacationers, swimming and snorkeling to have a view of what’s underwater is definitely worth the visit. Aside from the well-preserved corals that include the giant staghorn varieties, the diverse marine life, and the colorful sponge gardens, the population of whale sharks off the coast is said to be the world’s largest. Viewing them alone would certainly count as a unique adventure that can rarely be done anywhere else in the planet.

Another place adventure seekers of the aquatic kind should check out is the Surf Todos Santos in Baja, Mexico. For those who don’t want to have to go to Goa for some bohemian adventure, this Mexican resort has become a welcome alternative. Top notch resorts have started to build facilities beside boho chic hotels, making the area an eclectic mix of facilities. Water sports and surfing are available to any adventure seeker, and for those who are not yet talented in them, teachers and pros are there, making Surf Todos Santos a one-stop shop for aquatic thrills!